--> Thus Sayeth The Hellhounds
Random Quotes from the HMC Board

"Who did it and who shall I kill for you? I'm in the mood to maim."

"Snuggle time is nothing like smile time though, right?"

"Why do I have this visual of your cat waking you while wearing a party hat?"

"I had sex before marriage and I invoked the name of the Lord in vain during sex... I guess I'm going to Hell."

"Can't go to hell for having sex with a blow-up doll."

"And the hunt for JM continues...damn that gorgeous hunk of delicious, lickable manhood!!!!"

"And no giant hamster wheel, unless I have slave labour to go with it."

"See! I'm not a rabid dog who should be shot!!"

"I do have a few photos of Tony in some. . .interesting positions. . .and with a bottle of Tequila in one hand and a lawn flamingo in the other. . .wearing nothing but a smile..."

"Yeah, pie is good but you can shut yours."

"No, not A shit...THE shit."

"I go by "Matt", but Dear Lord will work I guess."

"The word bitch gives me such warm and fuzzies....awwww my girls....all so cute and wonderful when they get all GRRRRR!"

"Yay! I'm not the only really hot gay college student from Ohio anymore!!"

"And you can't have any of my SKITTLES!!!!"

"Damn strapless bra, it's killing me!!!"

"Virginal? Well, I'll definately be there...snort."

"Plenty of time for people to make jokes about me falling in love with a donkey. ("You fairies, grab Charlotte's ass and get over here")"

"Why? Johnny Why?...*takes a swig* Why would you betray me like that?..."

"Nick ruined eyedrops. He compared them to orgasms. Eyedrops will never be the same."

"I don't know what it is. I don't even know what in hell I'm talking about. Please ignore me. Thank you very much."

"Ummmmmm Hell no springs to mind."